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Free “No Obligation” Reiki Tele-Conference
The first 5 to sign up for the free Reiki teleconference will receive a free 15 minute Sekhem-Seichim complimentary session.

Have you ever wondered what Reiki or energy healing was all about? Are you curious about the history behind it?


Have you wondered what it would feel like?

                                                                Or even thought“Wouldn’t it be cool to try it?”


Then this free Reiki teleconference is for you.


Would you like to know how Reiki could help you in your career/business

or help create the business you would like to have?


Want to be your own boss?


Have you experienced Reiki and wondered whether becoming a Reiki practitioner or teacher could be beneficial to you? Can Reiki provide an income from the comfort of my own home?  


Then this free Reiki teleconference is for you.


Do you wonder whether Reiki is as credible of a healing modality as acupuncture?


Acupunture is a alternative health treatment has gained credibility as a treatment here in the United States and is now reimbursed as a treatment by medical plans.




Are you familiar with Usui Reiki but not sure what 

Sekhem-Seichim Reiki is and how it is different? 


Then this free Reiki teleconference is for you.






Magnetize what you desire. 

                        I'll show you how.                             

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Host: Mary DeLaat



Guest Host: 



When: TBA



Media: Via teleconference dial in and pin



Teleconference Topic: What you need to know about Usui and Sekhem-Seichim Reiki, the levels of certification available in these forms of Reiki and how you could benefit.


Listen and learn about the history of Reiki, it’s benefits, how it can change and improve your life and career or business and even earn the chance to experience it just by being quick to register. 


The first 5 to sign up for the free Reiki teleconference will receive a

free 15 minute Sekhem-Seichim Reiki complimentary session.


And even if you don’t have an ache, or a pain, there are other benefits to Reiki. Reiki can be used to help you accomplish dreams and have more confidence in life. Reiki can be used to amplify, manifest, and accomplish things.


Learn how even a CPA and business woman has used Reiki  

beyond just healing and has used it for business transactions and meetings.


Learn about all this and so much more...


Also learn about our next Reiki conference teaching Usui and/or Sekhem-Seichim Reiki coming soon July 2016. Reiki Training Dates are to be announced. Email Mary DeLaat at to register for the free Reiki teleconference and receive your dial in number and pin number to access the “free no obligation”Reiki teleconference. 

Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki
Degree 1


Host:           Mary DeLaat


Registration Fee: $277.70


Conference TopicThis course will include a process of four attunements that assist the individual to balance chakras and connect energetically with the Universal Life Force energy.


Students will learn:

History of Usui Reiki, Teachings and Methods,

Principles and Ethics of the Usui tradition of Reiki.


Information on chakras is included. There will be a Skype or VSEE session at the end of the class providing the student with more instruction on hands on hand positions and treatment tips. Student(s) will receive a beautiful illustrated Manual Document that is printable via email or through handouts. A certificate of completion will also be provided for each student.

The cost is $277.70. Pre-registration is required and early pre-registration is advised in order for the student to take advantage of preparation steps that can allow them to receive the energies of Reiki in the highest vibration. Cash or Paypal are accepted. Checks are accepted up to 5 days in advance and should be sent to Mary DeLaat, P.O. Box 444, Sterling, MI 48659.


The classes don't end there...........

Kuyuichi Kanchay Wasi

School and Healing Center



"Emerging Science of Reiki"

(per completion of Degree 1 Usui Reiki)


"Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki" 

Degree II / Degree III,


"Additions to Emerging Science of Reiki"

(per completion of Degree 2&3 Usui Reiki)


If you are interested in attending, please complete the form below, using the name you would like to be on your certificate and return it as soon as possible with your check made out to Mary DeLaat. You may scan and email the form or take a legible copy with your phone and email or text it.

Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki
Degree II

Host:           Mary DeLaat


Registration Fee: $277.70


Conference TopicThis course will include a process of four attunements that assist the individual to balance chakras and connect energetically with the Universal Life Force energy.


Students will learn:

History of Usui Reiki, Teachings and Methods,

Principles and Ethics of the Usui tradition of Reiki.


Information on chakras is included. There will be a Skype or VSEE session at the end of the class providing the student with more instruction on hands on hand positions and treatment tips. Student(s) will receive a beautiful illustrated Manual Document that is printable via email or through handouts. A certificate of completion will also be provided for each student.


The cost is $222. Pre-registration is required and early pre-registration is advised in order for the student to take advantage of preparation steps that can allow them to receive the energies of Reiki in the highest vibration. Cash or Paypal are accepted. Checks are accepted up to 5 days in advance and should be sent to Mary DeLaat, P.O. Box 444, Sterling, MI 48659.



The classes don't end there...........

Kuyuichi Kanchay Wasi

School and Healing Center



"Emerging Science of Reiki"

(per completion of Degree II Usui Reiki)



If you are interested in attending, please complete the form below, using the name you would like to be on your certificate and return it as soon as possible with your check made out to Mary DeLaat. You may scan and email the form or take a legible copy with your phone and email or text it.

Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki
Degree III

Host:           Mary DeLaat


Registration Fee: $222


Conference TopicThis course will include a process of four attunements that assist the individual to balance chakras and connect energetically with the Universal Life Force energy.


Students will learn:

History of Usui Reiki, Teachings and Methods,

Principles and Ethics of the Usui tradition of Reiki.


Information on chakras is included. There will be a Skype or VSEE session at the end of the class providing the student with more instruction on hands on hand positions and treatment tips. Student(s) will receive a beautiful illustrated Manual Document that is printable via email or through handouts. A certificate of completion will also be provided for each student.


The cost is $222. Pre-registration is required and early pre-registration is advised in order for the student to take advantage of preparation steps that can allow them to receive the energies of Reiki in the highest vibration. Cash or Paypal are accepted. Checks are accepted up to 5 days in advance and should be sent to Mary DeLaat, P.O. Box 444, Sterling, MI 48659.



The classes don't end there...........

Kuyuichi Kanchay Wasi

School and Healing Center



"Emerging Science of Reiki"

(per completion of Degree III Usui Reiki)



If you are interested in attending, please complete the form below, using the name you would like to be on your certificate and return it as soon as possible with your check made out to Mary DeLaat. You may scan and email the form or take a legible copy with your phone and email or text it.

Sekhem Seichim Reiki


Host:           Mary DeLaat

Registration Fee: $366.60 Facet 1 / $366.60 Facet 2 & 3 

Conference Topic: This course will include a process of multiple attunements that assist the individual to balance chakras and connect energetically with the Universal Life Force energy. You will learn the history, teachings and methods, principles and ethics of the Usui tradition of Reiki.


Information on chakras is included. There will be a Skype or VSEE session at the end of the class providing the student with more instruction on hands - on hand positions and other energetic and body movement processes and treatment tips if the class if presented via teleconference. The student will receive a beautiful illustrated “All Love” Manual and handouts. A certificate of completion will also be given to each student.


The classes don't end there...........

Kuyuichi Kanchay Wasi

School and Healing Center



"Emerging Science of Reiki"

(per completion of Facets 1 -3)




"Additions to Emerging Science of Reiki"

(per completion of Facets 4 -7)



Pre-registration is required and early pre-registration is advised in order for the student to take advantage of preparation steps that can allow them to receive the energies of Reiki in the highest vibration. $222 can be deposited to obtain your manual and instructions for preparation now and hold your space in the class. The balance of class cost is due on the day of the class via cash, paypal or debit or credit card. Paypal also is currently offering a great program to those signed up for Paypal through their Paypal Credit unit. For purchases over $100, charges to Paypal Credit are treated same as cash, no interest, if paid in full within 6 months. Checks are accepted up to 5 days in advance and should be sent to Mary DeLaat, P.O. Box 444, Sterling, MI 48659.


If you are interested in attending, please complete the form below, using the name you would like to be on your certificate and return it as soon as possible with your check made out to Mary DeLaat. You may scan and email the form or take a legible copy with your phone and email or text it.


Important for this class: Arrangements can be made for those coming in from a distance to attend the first night scheduled August 21, 2016 from 6:00 – 9:00 pm EST remotely via teleconference.

Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki
Free Reiki Teleconference
Sekhem Seichim Reiki
Usui Degree II
Usui Degree III

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